Merem Care Campus

Merem Care Campus is a rehabilitation vitality center for patients learning how to live with diseases or recovering from accidents or injuries. One thing every patient shares is that they all visit Merem to regain confidence in their daily life.

Therefore, empowerment is key in the design of the vitaliity center. The building invites and embraces, connects and protects. Rather than a typical care building, it feels like a warm and welcoming public building. A public campus boulevard connects all the buildings and empowers people to move and make the next step in their recovery and rehabilitation.

The public campus boulevard connects all buildings and empowers people to move and make a next step in their recovery

Fabian van den Bosch | Principal architect

Masterplan campus sketch
Masterplan campus plan

Masterplan campus sketch

Masterplan campus plan

Finding balance

The sports facilities include a large gym hall, fitness studio and children’s class. The campus also houses an entrance bar, academy and medical recovery lab with offices. Moreover, a unique indoor track on the first floor allows patients to train in a vital yet protected environment.

All amenities are arranged to create a balance between spaciousness and groundedness. Some areas are well connected while others offer more privacy. This allows every visitor to find a place to feel at home.

On the exterior, the different programmatic elements are recognizable and composed in such a way to express openness and to provide shelter. The building itself is designed to look smaller than it is. The varying color tones of the recycled plastic shingle facade soften the boundaries between the inside and outside.

The inclusive design strategy started with a concept sketch of the landscape. A colorful boulevard connects all campus buildings and invites patients, visitors and the people from Hilversum to practice in an inspiring and empowering environment.



Merem Care Campus


Vitality center on the inclusive Merem recovery campus




Hilversum, The Netherlands






Urban Design, Architecture and Interior Design


Barbara Dujardin, Michiel Hofman, Fabian van den Bosch, Cynthia Deckers, Shanuli Gupta and Willem Wopereis

Project management


Design landscape

Studio Redd

Advisor construction

Van Rossum Raadgevende Ingenieurs

Advisor electrical installations

BBP advies

Advisor mechanical installations

BBP advies

Advisor fire safety

LBP Sight


Aalberts Bouw

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